Campus Ministry - Intern Staff

One-year Intern Staff

University campuses are places where future leaders are nurtured and are fields with hearts open to the gospel, hence strategic locations for starting gospel movements. If you are willing to bear fruit and build multiplying disciples for our Lord Jesus on university campuses, here is an opportunity for you.


Intern Staff will be designated to a campus ministry team, and build a spiritual movement together with other members of staff who belong to the same team. The ministry focuses on evangelism, discipleship, leading Bible study groups, and organizing evangelistic meetings.


  1. You are clear that you are saved and have been baptized;

  2. You have been attending a church regularly for at least a year;

  3. You have obtained the support and recommendation of your church pastor; 

  4. You agree that “Win, Build, Send” are the steps to reach the campus vision and to help fulfil the Great Commission;

  5. You share HKCCC’s view on raising one’s own support by faith and are willing to live such a lifestyle;

  6. You are emotionally stable, socially mature, and are willing to actively reach out to people;

  7. You have at least obtained an undergraduate academic degree, or have work experience of at least five years;

  8. Applicable to students who are going to graduate: You have completed our organization’s MDTS1/CSD training and obtained HKCCC staff recommendation; and

  9. Applicable to those who apply to serve in the BI Ministry (i.e. non-local ministry): You must fulfil related language requirements.

Application for 2024-2025 ministry year: 3 Feb to 6 Mar 2024