EP.34 一齊照顧好自己
月題 / 保守你心
2月2日 Shadow
Ep.33 點解基督徒要講情緒?
2月9日 Shadow
Ep.34 一齊照顧好自己
2月16日 Shadow
Ep.35 身邊有好多情緒需要,我可以點做?
2月24日 Youtube Live
Ep.36 信緊廳
#耶穌 #信仰 #podcast
Weekly Podcast
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1) Argue, Steve. "From faith to faithing". Fuller Youth institute, 31 January, 2012. Access 20 May, 2024. `https://fulleryouthinstitute.org/blog/from-faith-to-faithing`
2) Powell, K. E. (2016). Growing young : six essential strategies to help young people discover and love your church. Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
3) Parks, S. D. (2019). Big Questions, Worthy Dreams : Mentoring Emerging Adults in Their Search for Meaning, Purpose, and Faith. Fortress Press.